Monday, June 23, 2008


Karate is a martial art originally developed in Okinawan islands of Japan. Later on through Grand Master Gichin funakoshi it gained foot hold in mainland Japan and latter to outside japan through scores of his students.
Karate is a martial art where bare hands and legs -by use of joints, palm, arm, fist, elbow, shin, foot etc- are used to strike an opponent or block blows from him. It also include very minimal holding and take down techniques too. Some forms or styles of karate also practice traditional Japaneese swords, nunchaju, kama, tonfa and bo. This style of karate is also called as Kubudo.
The original karate tought by Funakoshi has undergone changes in presentation, focus and competitiveness. Gichin Funakoshi never taught karate as a sport. Karate as a sports and karate tournaments are organized by his famous students such a Nakayama and Ogami etc.
Karate has three aspects, Kihon, Kata and kumite meaning basic, forms and sparring.
I practice SKI style of karate tought by Kancho Hirakozu kanazawa and sensei K.V Subramanian. Mr Kanazawa is direct student of Master Gichin and is the olnly living man who studied under him.
There are numerous discussions, debates, stories and theories supporting and prooving which of the above three is better and practical. Grand Master Funakoshi itself has mentioned in his autobiography that the best way to escape from a " situation" is to run away. I don't belive that karate is the ultimate fighting atr. But karate with a combination of jodo and aikido can bring wonders. More over i personally feel these arts are not for all. Practicing karate, as a way of live is extreamly difficult. You should be made for it.I never meant that you should have a 6 ft frame with 90 kgs to be made for karate, but if you are made for karate you will practice karate even if thousands proove its uselessness. I practiced karate from my 9th standard. I learned from Mr Jayan B, a budding karate master who started a class in Adoor. His style wa Shotokan. I lerned till purple-stipes underhim. We had a very friendly relationship, he never asked me fees, but asked me to bring more students. May be i was the only bright student in his class, i mean in studies. Our organization was headed by Mr George Varky, who we considered as grand master.
His classes were really good, i never saw him laughing in class, but i could many times see him smiling, when he see us struggling to do what he ask us to do. He used to teach kata, sparring and kihon sessions. he also tought me how to do small acrobatic jumps, flying kicks etc.
He used to take me to kollam, anchal etc to practice with his other students. We continued in touch for many years. You know he has this funny address, Jayan B, Black Belt, Anchal. But i lost contact during 2000-2002 period. When i went to invite him for my sisters marriage, he was doing some small scale business, making rice/chilli powder and all. I could see by his fatty body that he stopped practicing. But he said he is going to revive his classes.
I studied under another shotokan master in Rourkela for few months. There is had this bitter experience. When practicing with Jayan B, i used to hit him and he never said any thing for that. May be he believed that you must hit to learn it.I tried the same thing when a big master (forgot his name too) came from Kolkotha to terach us and do our grading. But that guy was really tough and mad. He hit me so badly that my friends could not recognize me. But i never left the field, he pulled me to the corner of the room.latter i undertood that we the students are not suppossed to touch the master, funny though.
I returned all the certificates i received from that dojo and stopped karate.
Then i changed many companies, fell in love, changed from a boy to a man etc etc. Now after reaching bangalore in 2000, from 2005 i strated practicing karate again. This time i felt i met the right master, who could teach me karate and also help me to see its spiritual side.
I went to LinZ in Austria, and practiced there with Linz shotokan Karate group, under Alexander Standler. Also i could attend the seminar by Norio Kawasoe sensei head of SKIF Austria. I still remember he congradulating me for my interest in karate.
I went to see Master Jayan to give him my wedding invitation, and i came to know that he committed suicide one day before. This was one of the biggest shock i ever had in my life. I will go to his house once again, i will try to get a photo of him and may be will give some money to his son.
A karate man, commiting suicide? I could not believe that.
Now practicing with Sensei subramanian, i am understanding the way of selfless karate practice. I am also practicing taichi, which helps me to see karate through a different mirror. I practice alomost every day, in a park near my home. Its a different feeling, the feeling of a elated mind after one hour of practice, this practice has helped me to perform my duties well, improove my efficiency and off course reduce my resting heart rate :-)
Hop i will be able to practice till i leave this world.

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